 ZHANG Xin,ZHANG Lingyun.Progress in the study of spatio-temporal distribution of extreme precipitation and its atmospheric circulation background in China[J].Journal of Meteorological Research and Application,2023,44(04):70-77.[doi:10.19849/j.cnki.CN45-1356/P.2023.4.11]





Progress in the study of spatio-temporal distribution of extreme precipitation and its atmospheric circulation background in China
张辛 张凌云
柳州市气象局, 广西 柳州 545001
Liuzhou Meteorological Bureau, Guangxi Liuzhou 545001, China
extreme precipitationspatial and temporal characteristicsatmospheric circulationresearch progress
The article systematically reviews the progress of research on the determination of extreme precipitation thresholds, spatio-temporal distribution characteristics, and atmospheric circulation background in China, classifies the relevant studies, and summarizes the main results involved in the research. On this basis, the possible directions of future research on extreme precipitation in terms of spatio-temporal distribution characteristics and atmospheric circulation background are envisioned.


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